
Thursday, August 6, 2009

Missing Uganda Today....

Here is a video that William from our team made....

enjoy and don't forget to pause my music (the music doesn't start till about 25 seconds into video). 


  1. I can see why your heart is missing Uganda. And I'm sure it has been a bit amplified by the news from earlier in the week about the 4 missing boys. My heart still aches for them... and I know that our Lord's does, too! When you sit and view this video, you can just see so much need...yet the people still have the most bright and beautiful smiles on their faces. They were especially lit up when they were surrounded by the volunteers...such a beautiful sight. I love the song you chose to go with it...amongst my favorites, yet again!

    And Lexie, thank you for leaving another sweet post on my blog tonight. You really touched my heart...I think you may be the one with the gift of encouragement! :) Bless you!!

    Seriously, I wish we lived closer, as I know my daughter, Breanna would just LOVE you! And it would bless this mom to know that she had such a wonderful example of Christ-like character around her! Please do keep her in your prayers. She is such a beautiful young lady, but she has been struggling to find close friends that share her values and love for the Lord. And I know how important great and godly friendships are. Anyhow, I'm not sure how I got off on that, but I just know you have such a heart for people, and you are exactly the kind of person I would love for Breanna to be surrounded by...especially as she enters into H.S. this year...it will be a big transition. Pray that God sends her some great Christian friends that she can bond with and encourage her in her faith. She has such a great heart and she really does deserve it. Thanks Lexie!

    God bless and may you have a nice weekend!! <><

  2. Lex!

    I know how it feels to miss a place so much. For me it's China...for you, Uganda. One thing the Lord taught me through my many days of missing China is to be sure to live in the moment..."bloom where you are planted", but never lose the heart and desire you have for Uganda. Right now, the Lord has you here and so many people around you need to hear of Jesus just like the sweet kids in Uganda. So in missing Uganda, don't overlook the ways the Lord can use you here. For me, I always wished that I was back in China, but He gave me a peace about knowing that when it was my time to be in China, He would pave the way. So for now, I live in the moment...try to make the most of every opportunity here, yet still longing for the country where I left part of my heart. Be encouraged, sweet girl!

    You are an incredible girl with an incredible heart. I can't wait to see what the Lord is going to do in and through you! Love you Lex!

